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Removal from dispensary registration in connection with stable remission takes place on the basis of the opinion of the medical advisory committee and drug treatment facility where the patient is observed. В отличие от названных выше длин волн, излучение ближней ИК области спектра, например на длине волны нм, значительно снижает влияние флуоресценции при анализе тех же образцов. В Узбекистане предположение Управления ООН по наркотикам и преступности с года которое узбекские эксперты и органы считают преувеличенным указывает 2,7 ПИНов на тысячу жителей, что в любом случае является низшим числом из всех четырех стран Средней Азии охваченных проектом. Drug prices in Tajikistan increase in proportion to the distance from the state border. It was also revealed that Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The results showed that Сводная информация. Предыдущая статья. MDMA входит в число наиболее популярных наркотиков, особенно среди молодёжи. In , drug addicts were compulsorily treated 4. Пояснение: Использованы данные г.

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The analysis of regional and city AIDS centres in the organisation of work with injecting drug users in drop-in centres, on the results of monitoring in Especially in Uzbekistan, a decreasing trend of infection rates in younger IDUs is apparent, indicating a decreasing incidence of the infections being surveyed, which supports data on a decreasing trend in prevalence rates. Addiction, , 32— The number of patients with AIDS was The duration of compulsory medical treatment is determined by the commission of specialised medical institutions within 5 days from the date of the patient being placed on compulsory treatment. Strategy and harm reduction programmes started to be implemented in Kyrgyzstan in В последнее время все более актуальными становятся вопросы, касающиеся появления на территории страны дезоморфина, кустарно изготавливаемого из доступных кодеинсодержащих лекарственных препаратов. In Kazakhstan, the estimate is about twice as high, indicating a central estimate of 7. The number of deaths among the total number of HIV-infected patients was Если рамановское рассеянное излучение может возникнуть при падении на образец света с любой длиной волны, то флуоресценция является зависимой от длины волны. The number of contacts with IDUs and the number of syringes distributed have increased in the long term in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the two countries for which data are available for as long as since Страна Казахстан Кыргызстан Таджикистан Узбекистан. During the dispensary observation period the addicts should receive qualified medical assistance that should lead to long-term remission from their drug use. Thus, the interpretation of trends in this field is difficult and complex. АВГ 30 Рамановская спектроскопия пропускания для онлайн мониторинга однородности состава фармацевтических препаратов. The syringe exchange programmes are implemented by the specialists of public health services, as well as by the non-governmental sector in the Offices of Needle Exchange ONE.

Just There are also private drug treatment clinics in existence in the country. In , the combined law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic seized 45 tons kilograms of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and precursors from illicit traffickers. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms.

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    Roughly, there is a general trend towards the stabilisation except Kyrgyzstan, where it is growing of the number of registered heroin users and an increase except Tajikistan, where it is decreasing in the number of registered cannabis users in Central Asia. Кроме того, в каждом регионе утверждены региональные Программы по борьбе с наркоманией и наркобизнесом. Technical Guide for countries to set targets for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care for injecting drug users.

  • The electronic version of this report can be downloaded free of charge from www. The analytical function is often a part of the coordination body, together with monitoring of the drug situation; this is the case, for example, in Uzbekistan, where a special unit for drug situation monitoring exists within the coordination body. Необходимость улучшить и систематизировать мониторинг и отчетность стран относительно их наркоситуации при использовании систем, которые внедряет DAMOS четко выражена в Политической декларации и плане действий по налаживанию международного сотрудничества в целях выработки комплексной и сбалансированной стратегии борьбы с мировой проблемой наркотиков, принятой на заседании высокого уровня Комиссии ООН по наркотическим средствам в году.

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  • В частности, они охватывают «пять ключевых гармонизированных показателей эпидемии наркотиков» по методике EMCDDA и 10 ключевых областей мониторинга наркоситуации, определенных в качестве решающих областей для стран-членов ООН Лиссабонским Консенсусом в г. В настоящее время, наверняка, это более важно, чем когда-либо раньше. Final Report. In the event of a sustained remission period, dispensary registration with a duration of 3 years is stipulated.

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  • Coordination mechanisms exist in all the countries; the most common pattern is a high-level political commission accompanied by an administrative day-to-day coordination body, usually with defined administrative implementation functions in the system of drug policy and drug control, e. Из-за различной окраски и негомогенной природной структуры таблеток экстези, при анализе с помощью рамановской спектроскопии с длиной волны возбуждения нм получаемые спектры, как правило, подавляются сильной флуоресценцией, что ограничивает возможности идентификации. In , 1, persons were treated in substitution therapy programmes All comments, proposals, and ideas for improvements should be sent to kancelar resad.

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  • Coordination mechanisms exist in all the countries; the most common pattern is a high-level political commission accompanied by an administrative day-to-day coordination body, usually with defined administrative implementation functions in the system of drug policy and drug control, e. Флуоресценция представляет собой излучение фотолюминесценции, возникающее при облучении поверхности лазерным излучением, которое потенциально перекрывает полезную рамановскую составляющую полностью или частично , в результате чего получаемый спектр не имеет ярко выраженных пиков, что приводит к ошибке идентификации. According to the Central Bureau of Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Health, the number of deaths from drug overdoses was 37 in 38 in , or 0. Each population group has its own code for testing.

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    Интересно то, что по данным серологического скрининга распространенность антител вируса гепатита «С» anti-HCV среди наркопотребителей выше в Казахстане с низким уровнем ВИЧ-инфенции. Трип-репорты Соли, кристаллы Новочебоксарск. АВГ 30 Рамановская спектроскопия пропускания для онлайн мониторинга однородности состава фармацевтических препаратов. Drug traffickers use all types of transport for drug delivery, from horse-drawn transport in the border areas and ending with air transportation. Высшая распространенность употребления запрещенных наркотиков отмечается в Казахстане, в последнее время также в Кыргызстане. It should be noted that, as in the case of the incidence of opiate dependence in , the proportion of people with a newly diagnosed dependence on opiates particularly heroin tends to increase within a year. Analytical information on the drug situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan for Сводная информация Оценка наркоситуации в четырех1 странах Средней Азии Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан и Узбекистан проведена при использовании данных удовлетворительной надежности и достоверности, имеющихся в распоряжении. В учебных заведениях на системной основе проводятся мероприятия под девизами «Спорт против наркотиков», «Туризм против наркотиков». Европейский Союз состоит из 28 государств-членов, которые решили постепенно объединить свои знания, ресурсы и судьбы.

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    For example, the retail price for 1 gram of opium is fixed at around USD 1. Monitoring the drug situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in До приёма я уже много чего. Each population group has its own code for testing. Автор: Виктор Раздел: Рамановская спектроскопия спектроскопия комбинационного рассеяния. Since in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan a bio-behavioural surveillance survey BBS has been conducted among vulnerable groups. T he Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Coordination mechanisms exist in all the countries; the most common pattern is a high-level political commission accompanied by an administrative day-to-day coordination body, usually with defined administrative implementation functions in the system of drug policy and drug control, e.

    Resad/Cadap – regional report on drug situation in central Asia

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    У наркотика пытались найти побочные эффекты — и даже, кажется, нашли, но затем оказалось, что исследования проводились некорректно. За последние 5 лет, за которые имеются обзоры, можно наблюдать тенденцию понижения числа регистрированных потребителей в Казахстане, Таджикистане и Узбекистане, в то время так тенденция повышения отмечена в Кыргызстане. In view of the fact that the above study was conducted many years ago, currently, there are no epidemiological studies that reflect the actual situation associated with drug use among the population.

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  • The role of the national coordination centre for the collection of non-confidential information on drugs and drug addiction is played by the Headquarters of the SDCS of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, a national information network on the drug information and monitoring system DAMOS was established in to collect non-confidential information on drugs and drug addiction in the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Penitentiary Service, and the Civil Service of the Kyrgyz Republic drug control. Outpatient programmes are mainly oriented towards motivation and continuation of treatment and the prevention of relapse. Отчетность по изъятию наркотиков не систематична. В случае употребления наркотиков без клинических признаков зависимости, наркопотребитель проходит профилактическое наблюдение.

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  • Tashkent: The law enforcement agencies. According to studies performed within the framework of DAMOS, the probability of death for any cause is substantially higher for people that were registered in the narcological register than for people that were not, e. Psychological examinations were undergone by underage patients, of

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    Pierre and Miquelon St. Узбекистан — Cтрановой обзор 8. Электронную версию этого отчета можно скачать бесплатно с www. The proportion of injecting opium users in all IDUs was 7. The predominant age groups were aged between 25 and 34 years

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  • Героин в Средней Азии представляет главный опиат и заменил традиционное применение опия, которое преобладало в начале ых годов Zabransky et al. Compulsory treatment is stipulated by the court only for those patients who disturbed public order and the rights of others or presented a health, moral, or safety threat especially physical violence to others , Compulsory treatment is carried out in specialised medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan. В году впервые в стране при поддержке Управления по наркотикам и преступности УНП ООН проведена оценка профилактических программ в образовательных учреждениях 4. A third OST centre was opened in Khorog in May , where, at the end of , 44 patients had received opioid substitution therapy.

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    Structurally, the data points are divided into 7 main sections: 1. The study involved schools from five countries, including 25 schools from the Kyrgyz Republic. Таджикистан — Cтрановой обзор 7. Information on the structure of the mortality of drug users is not available. Removal from dispensary registration in connection with stable remission takes place on the basis of the opinion of the medical advisory committee and drug treatment facility where the patient is observed. Each population group has its own code for testing.

  • Administrative detention is provided for a person who was arrested twice within a year for this act. The average age of the patients was In the event of continued drug use and the formation of drug dependence syndrome, the patient is transferred to dispensary registration 2. Несмотря на то, что распространенность употребления какого-нибудь запрещенного наркотика в течение жизни во всех четырех странах Средней Азии, предоставивших информацию далее приводится лишь как «страны Средней Азии» , значительно ниже по сравнению с развитыми странами, распространенность более рискованных способов применения наркотиков в частности, употребление наркотиков инъекционным путем сравнима с уровнем стран Европейского Союза. In , the combined law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic seized 45 tons kilograms of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and precursors from illicit traffickers. This therapy was implemented in the country in October

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  • Report content on this page. It describes specific measures for teachers in the event of the detection of drug consumption, the basic principles of drug prevention, work on a school drug dependence prevention programme, and interactive methods of prevention work with the students. Anti-drug events are organised annually on the international day of the struggle against drugs, which is celebrated on June This fact confirms that Tajikistan is going through a concentrated HIV epidemic. Цена героина ниже чем в странах ЕС, несмотря на то, что за последние годы она существенно возросла хотя чистота понизилась , что свидетельствует о снижении доступности наркотиков. Regional drug treatment clinics conduct annual monitoring of the proportion of patients in remission among all the patients of the dispensary who are registered as drug users. In , the country registered new cases of HIV infection, In Kyrgyzstan, the number of drug addicts who are treated is relatively higher — 5. The purity of heroin varies from 1. The SMR for men was 2. The impurities in the samples of heroin that were seized were found to be from the manufacturing process — 6-monoacetylmorphine and acetylcodeine — and cutting agents of extrinsic origin — caffeine, acetaminophen, and dextromethorphan. To the question about drug use, 0. The prevalence of HIV in Kazakhstan seems rather stable in the long term. Электронную версию этого отчета можно скачать бесплатно с www. В течение периода роста длившегося 50 лет, они вместе построили зону стабильности, демократии и постоянного развития при этом сохранив многообразие культур, терпимость и гражданские свободы. The European Union is made up of 28 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Among the patients who received inpatient care, two teenagers 0. The average age of the patients was Under the national law, a person who commits an offence under this Article and voluntarily surrenders narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogues and actively contributes to the disclosure or suppression of crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogues, the exposure of the persons who committed these crimes, or the discovery of property obtained by criminal means, is exempted from criminal responsibility for the crime. The decision concerning dispensary registration is made by the commission of the narcological facility or a certified narcologist. Accordingly, court decisions in criminal cases do not depend on a qualitative analysis of the purity of the drugs seized.

  • The components of the model are detoxification, pharmacological treatment of withdrawal symptoms, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and preventive treatment. Such a large estimated number of injecting drug users in the country is doubted by drug treatment specialists and more reliable analysis is required using standard scientific epidemiological methods.

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  • From it the local population makes marijuana and hashish, which are distributed both locally and regionally through illegal markets. The predominant age groups were aged between 25 and 34 years Re-examination with a view to extending the compulsory treatment is carried out only in the event of insufficient recovery or good performance of the patient after the initial term of the treatment 2,6.

  • However, in the limited time available, it was not possible to report data and other information to the internationally comparable standards achieved under CADAP by the other four Central Asian countries. All comments, proposals, and ideas for improvements should be sent to kancelar resad. HR programmes cover almost the entire country.

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  • Таджикистан — Cтрановой обзор 7. According to the decree, regional, city, and district councils for the coordination of drug prevention activities were established under republican subordination in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Sughd and Khatlon regions, the city of Dushanbe, and other cities and districts. A third OST centre was opened in Khorog in May , where, at the end of , 44 patients had received opioid substitution therapy. Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence. During the month dedicated against drug abuse, meetings and discussions were organised at higher education institutions and their branches, colleges, and secondary schools, which were attended by more than 3. Активную роль в области профилактики наркомании и других заболеваний принимает Республиканский Центр здорового образа жизни РЦ ЗОЖ , который имеет филиалы во всех регионах РК. Compulsory treatment is stipulated by the court only for those patients who disturbed public order and the rights of others or presented a health, moral, or safety threat especially physical violence to others , Compulsory treatment is carried out in specialised medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan. At the National University and several colleges in Tashkent, preventive education against drug abuse was conducted by trained facilitators, together with representatives from the Department of Addiction of TUDI. It reflects the tasks of a strategic and tactical nature, the key areas of public policy of drug prevention, reduction in the demand for drugs, and the fight against illicit drug production. More than In the event of a diagnosis of drug dependence, they are subject to regular medical checking and dynamic observation in outpatient substance abuse treatment units. In , the drug situation in the country was characterised by the intensification of international drug groups using the country as a drug transit corridor to Russia and the countries of the European Union. In , 1, persons were treated in substitution therapy programmes During the last 5 years for which reports are available, a decreasing trend in the number of registered users can be observed in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, while an increasing trend has been reported from Kyrgyzstan. In , the number of tests for HIV in the Kyrgyz Republic increased, while the proportion of those surveyed under the code IDUs decreased from 1.